The Standing unsupported Position
The common position used at 100 yards and on the Urban Match.
Probably the one position that is considered difficult to master by many.
A few different styles adopted by CSR shooters, slings can be used in support.
Use the hovers for more information
Rules: B6.3, B6.3.1 Standing:
Erect on both feet, no other part of the body to touch the ground or any other object. The rifle may be supported by the forward hand under the magazine (where appropriate), forend or vertical/angled fore grip and the support arm elbow may be rested on the hip or magazine pouch. A sling may be used for support and if firing from cover, the structure of the cover may be used for support
Rifle Sling
Highly recommended in this position, it helps to stabilise the rifle and increase accuracy
Elbows should be locked into the body to help reduce lateral movement of the rifle
The stance should be wide enough to support the body without any form of unbalance.