(600yd firing point) Matches: AM UCM Match PM Long Range match Location: Diggle C & D Ranges Weather: Rain with some sun
Temp: 10 Deg
Wind: up to 12 mph SSW
(coming from behind the firing point down range, right to left)
UCM 100-25yds
Long Range 400, 500, 600yds
June Matches
The PSSA Team try to always include a UCM match every month, this month was no different, well organised and on an excellent 4 lane 100yd range, purpose built barricades and posts.
Always fierce competition on this match given the PPSA guys are well practiced and always shoot well. Tim Kennerly topping the table again this month.
Shooting started at 8:30 and finished by 09:30 ready to move to C range.
The Long Range match
The weather plays a big part of any shoot at Diggle, details A & B suffered from high winds and rain making it a challenging day. Winds moving right to left and up to 12 mph plus intermittent drops in wind meant you had to be lucky on any practice to get ten rounds down where the wind was constant, a quick drop and all your rounds were off target. Same for everyone of course but some fairing better than others. Congratulations to those who scored above 200 of 250 on this match!
Thanks to the match directors, RCOs and all butts markers for making the day work.